Prayer Request

We have prayer meetings the first Monday of every month & prayer vigil quarterly.

Matthew 19:26

Jesus looked at them and said "with man this is impossible, 

but with God all things are possible"

1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing.


Prayer 4Complete Healing In JESUS πŸ™Name 4Chuck Conner 4m troat cancer πŸ˜‡


Klye Bell Prayer 4Complete recovery n start a new chapter in Klye's life! Amen Oh n good job 4his wife n kids πŸ˜‡


Please pray for full time employment and sleep at night


Pray In JESUS Name 4Healing 4Lupita Mom Maryann Hernandez age 71 late stage of stomuch Cancer! Amen πŸ™


Please pray for me. Dear Jesus, , Pray for love and light for Viola Cleo Bradshaw and can I have more deep sleep and deep peace and healing for my broken nose? I am very tired. I need sleep. Can I have open doors? I need to be set free. Stop mind warping. I feel my mind is in Croatia due to spiritual violence. I am sad. I have childhood trauma. Can you send the alter ego Miryatena to go out from me through deliverance? Pray my deceased dear cat Kildyboo goes to heaven with Jesus. Amen. Jesus is a great teacher.