Sister Jodie Johnson

Children's Church Director

1. To provide a safe, secure, loving environment for children to participate in and where parents feel comfortable leaving their child. 

2. To help children feel a warm sense of belonging to their church family and to insure each child feels welcomed and wanted. 

3. For each child to know that God is real and that a personal relationship with Him gives meaning to life. 

4. To aid each child in accepting Jesus Christ as savior and developing a dynamic relationship with him. 

5. To help each child develop a lifestyle that is built on his/her relationship with Jesus Christ. 

6.   To help each child understand that God's Word (the Bible) is relevant and that growth in Bible knowledge results in positive changes in attitudes, action and life-style. 

7. To help the child grow in his/her relationships with other believers and with his/her non-churched friends. 

8. To provide children the opportunity and direction to participate in ministry.

                                      Isaiah 54:13

         All your children will be taught by the LORD, 

                           and great will be their peace.

Children Ambassador

Sunday Classroom

5yrs - 12yrs

Children Church

Just an average Sunday morning attendance of Children Church

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