Welcome to Park Temple Baptist Church
Sunday School 10:00 a.m., Worship Service 11:15 a.m. & Wednesday Discipleship 7:00 p.m.
Clothes Closet every Tuesday's 10:00am to 1pm
Welcome to Park Temple Baptist Church
Sunday School 10:00 a.m., Worship Service 11:15 a.m. & Wednesday Discipleship 7:00 p.m.
Clothes Closet every Tuesday's 10:00am to 1pm
Senior Pastor Henry Garza Sr.
Monday's to Thursday's 7am - 12pm
Counseling held in evening time Monday's, Tuesday & Thursday's 6pm to 8pm - pastor.garza@yahoo.com
Lead Deacon Eddie Velazquez
Deacon Eddie oversee all Deacon's and assists Pastor Garza with funerals and weddings. He is currently serving in Clothes Shorting area.
Deacon Tomas Rivera
Deacon Tomas assists Deacon Eddie Velasquez and Pastor Garza with weddings, funerals.
Deacon Edward Zaragoza
Deacon Edward assists Pastor Garza with weddings, funerals and is currently overseeing the Clothes Closet
Deaconess Virginia Zaragoza
Deaconess Virginia is currently assisting Pastor Garza in weddings, funerals.
Deacon Louis Serrano
Deacon Louis assists Pastor Garza with baptisms and teacing the Sunday adult class.
Deaconess Alma Serrano
Deaconess Alma assists Pastor Garza with prayer ministry, baptisms, and teacing the Sunday adult class.
Worship Director Kennedy Brown
Sister Kennedy leads all Sunday morning Worship Music and plans all special music services
Church Secretary Sister Antoinette Salazar
Sister Antoinette is in the church office on Thursdays from 9am to 12pm and is currently service in the women's clothes closet.
Brother Wallace Harper
Brother Wallace is our church Property Manager while serving in the Clothes Closet